The period of my life I started the journey to discover who I really am, is now far behind me. In the beginning of that period I thought that I only could love animals and possibly not human beings. Obviously there must be something wrong with me. My biggest question at that time was: ‘what is love’, how do I make that tangible? This question offered me several paths of self consciousness. Astrology gave me more insight in myself. During my education hypnotherapy the master became my privet teacher for the next couple of years. During the training I learned to have compassion for my fellow man, especially to feel compassion for myself, to be gentle for myself, and to have respect for everybody else’s path of life. This all did open my heart, which made it possible to feel and follow my heart again. Now I understood that love needs to start within myself. By accepting myself,  by loving myself, I became conscious that only this forms the fundament to give love to other people. That was an inner relief and also very comforting, and then the sun really started to shine in my life. 


And though …….., although I felt that I learned and experienced a lot, still there was missing an essential part. It was hard to describe, until I started the education for healers. I discovered that the teachers gave (and always will give) love and joy from their mutual passion for all what lives. Love and joy together give sense to life and will bring feelings of rebirth. Joy came back in things I did and the things I did on their turn bring me joy. Because I regained joy I became aware that I can awake joy in myself and help others to awake their love and joy.


I learned all these lessons by trial and error and they finally brought me where I stand and to what I am doing now. From this, I like to share and experience with others that love and joy are able to enlighten our lives. This is my deep inner wish and my guide.


Elly de Lezenne Coulander